Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two Inches of Snow Per Hour....

Okay, you've all see that great photo at the top of this blog...well, we've now surpassed that amount of snow shown in the photo. At 4pm I'd just completed clearing ~6 of new snow and presently its 10:30 pm, and we've just finished clearing off another foot of snow since 4pm. I knew it was serious when I found Peter using a snow blower offered by what has become the neighborhood snow clearing brigade, and within a half hour he's cleared the snow in half the time it takes me to do the same work with the shovel, okay, possibly it would take me a little longer than the one hour, but not much. The predicament we're now having is that the snow banks are SO HIGH...pushing 6' at the edge of the driveway we're not sure where we're going to put the two more feet the weather service is predicting we'll have by Sunday!

10:00 PM Friday Night... we finally break down and use a snow blower!Okay, here's a shot taken from the front door. The snow doesn't look all that high in this photo, but we're only clearing off the walkway.Here's Jake coming around the corner, back towards the front door.

We're expecting to go skiing tomorrow. We'll do another posting if we wake up to another 2ft. of more than our share of fresh snow.

And to all my family in Southern California...I hope you're all high and dry and safe - and not floating off into the pacific.

1 comment:

anne said...

wow! i'm kinda speechless!!! go peter, go peter!!! plow that snow!!
the rain here has stopped for the time being. but, probably not for long.