Monday, January 25, 2010

The Sunshine has Retuneth

Enough of the topic of snow falling, lets switch to the sun shining and while I'm at it I'll include a photo taken from the back of the house looking westerly. Ahhhh.
Petey has also been working from home for "the company" and I really like having him home. However my time at home is short these days since I leave for classes by noon that run until 5:30+... Yea, and I'm savoring the fact that I've only two semesters remaining. Yes, I'm enjoying the process! Believe me. More on the school subject later.
So, the report is...the snow skiing was great yesterday on Purgy and last nights temperatures dipped down to 4 degrees keeping the snow nice and dry.


anne said...

that picture is insane! you don't usually get this much snow, do you? regardless, it is breathtaking!

Tori and Peter said...

The old timers say....this is what winter was like...Ive read a few mining stories and the tales of winter depict just this. So, what the locals tell us is every five years we get this kind of snow. For us, its been two of three years.