Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Snow...

New snow always presents new adventures in negotiating travel...currently at 11:20am we have approximately 10+ inches of fresh dry powdery stuff to be shoveled from the driveway...BEFORE I go to my afternoon painting class at the college. The roads are plowed, and hey...and those plows are going by as I write!

Petey left for work early (as always) with about 5" new snow...having shoveled out from behind the truck...which makes my side of the driveway 10" and I'm in no hurry. This photo is looking from the front porch across the driveway.
This evening we'll both stay in town and go for dinner with some friends and all will be attending a gig at the Abbey theater in town tonight for Tim Reynolds of Tr3 from Dave Matthews Band...with our local favorite Kirk James. Should be fun but not without the added adventure of lots of snow on the road and parking areas. But its joyous fresh stuff!


anne said...

my gosh! it's sooo beautiful tori! why am i not in durango right now?!

Tori and Peter said...

ya want to escape the rain??? Come on over and enjoy the snow! And more snow is on the way!!!! Petey is playing hooky today to play int the snow...tomorrow I will do the same!