Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fall Came, But It's Gone Now!

Just a few images to prove I did get out and away from the books and projects early this fall, I think it was Sept 25th. We even made it all the way up to Silverton and had breakfast!

We also made a trip around a portion of the Alpine Loop in late summer. It's an old one lane, bi-directional mining road in the high country. Here a link for all the images: Alpine Loop trip August 2010 - Silverton to Lake City, then round trip to Durango via Creed

Here's a few images from that trip...definitely better done in a jeep style 4 x 4 vehicle, or by Donkey!

Yes...this is one of MANY beaver ponds!
We also saw two moose, but on the early part of the trek.

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