Monday, January 21, 2008

Durango Adventures - and other fun!

We finally took the leap "Off-Island" and landed in Durango Colorado. The plan took a few years to execute and now that we're getting settled in to our new life, its unanimous - we LOVE IT here.

Check out a few of our galleries, and notes on our progress. visit often as we're very camera happy these days!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gee, we see you have lots of snow down there. Too bad. Michele is just dashing to the store to get a little more ice for the margaritas. We might have to put a sweater on after all tonight! With the new personalized ferry service ie.resident fare $10 each way, walking or with a car,it's become very comfortable here living in the islands. The transition to the mainland has been helped by the fleet of 300 Prius Flex cars that share the ferry parking lot. Hope to see you soon, maybe around handball time, but I've got leave this blog now to go get more sunblock, and wait for Michele to return with the ice. Miss you guys!
Kim & Michele