Thursday, January 19, 2012

Construction Progess Report

Here's a recent image pre-roof shingles. Currently the garage roof is completed and there's a hold up on the hip roof at the west side of our shop/living are. Snow. Once that roof is constructed the roof shingles will get applied. Next...Solar panels go up!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Panels Arrive! Phase 2 Construction

1)Yea, phase 1 is foundation...those photos will show up, sometime....Nic!

2)Three walls constructed; beginning from the SW corner and building along south wall & front door,
then east wall, and back to west wall.

3)North wall is completed here we apply roof panels.

Friday, March 4, 2011

"Gaucho Jack" Our New Buddy!

Coming out of the barn to meet his new fan club....

We had NO IDEA he was such a hugger! Cindy must have brought it out in him!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Petey is up to lately...

Well, the threat and promise of snow continues and will through late next week. Time to turn our attention to being indoors and for Petey whose been taking guitar lessons for most of this year, it's practice, practice and more of the same. He's actually sounding darn good, in my estimate. His focus has strictly been on blues chords and the new electric guitar & amp are working for him!
Sorry, no sound bites just yet!

Fall Came, But It's Gone Now!

Just a few images to prove I did get out and away from the books and projects early this fall, I think it was Sept 25th. We even made it all the way up to Silverton and had breakfast!

We also made a trip around a portion of the Alpine Loop in late summer. It's an old one lane, bi-directional mining road in the high country. Here a link for all the images: Alpine Loop trip August 2010 - Silverton to Lake City, then round trip to Durango via Creed

Here's a few images from that trip...definitely better done in a jeep style 4 x 4 vehicle, or by Donkey!

Yes...this is one of MANY beaver ponds!
We also saw two moose, but on the early part of the trek.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Power Project!

Looking from our driveway down to the worksite. Petey coming up for some ice tea.

A little ice tea refreshment!

View looking east from the ditch area

View towards the north looking up at "The Cabin"

View towards the westerly

Petey on his way back to the "barn"

Here's a parting shot one evening after Petey put in 12+ hours working on the trench for the underground utilities one august summers eve this year.